I am Marlène, fashion designer, stylist, and artist from
France. We all have gifted skills, potential
that lie in us since childhood. Once we
acknowledge them, we increase and train
them to their fullest. With this mindset, I created
my business around these skills to
provide excellence through my products and
My fashion development journey began in 2001. I learned through experiments, questioning and challenging society's standards until I was completely detached from them, focusing on freedom and authentic self-expression.
Each person is unique, and I focus on it to support you accurately on your fashion and personal evolution journey.
Be the designer of your life, get rid of blockages influencing your personal and business life related to facing your fears and insecurities, self love, confidence, socialising, public speaking, making new friends, keeping the conversation interesting, social anxiety, awkwardness feeling and more!
Dive into your fears, stay strong: I will help you keeping your head out of the water to achieve freedom in expressing yourself! Theory and practical knowledge with concrete, adapted and empowering exercices to strengthen your new skills in your daily life. Open yourself to new perspective on how to deal with fear in different situations The road to your self confidence goals, unlock your full potential and start living your best life!

The fashion industry has a significant impact in terms of pollution, excessive consumption, waste and recycling, as well as factory worker lives, underpaid, working in awful and unsafe infrastructures. I aim to solve these issues through this 100% sustainable luxury prêt-à-porter collection, sourcing locally quality second hand and non used from ateliers materials and fabrics.

Passion for fashion and arts, came since 4 years
old, through drawing, painting, experimenting
materials and exploring imagination.
My childhood dream was to create my own
fashion brand and my universe (adult
translation: a business empire) I draw since
then, made my first evening dresses
from 12 years old.
After finishing fashion
college, I traveled to Australia (WHV) to learn
english, work for different marketing
agencies, connect with my authentic self,
living the mind-fulfilling backpacker
adventure! Followed by...
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